Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Simple Model for Understanding Sensory Perception in the Brain

This project is based on a paper I read in which I thought there was a better way to conduct the experiment. [1]  In the experiment, the researchers were using a live tissue sample of the retina from a salamander, which I thought was a waste of a perfectly good salamander.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FedEx won't ship urgent letter to Dept. of Homeland Security...

Tells me to leave before they call the police.

The other day I ran into the local FedEx place and told them to ship a letter to DHS.  I gave them the address I got from the DHS website.  The girl said we can't send this letter because it doesn't have a street address.  I said that's the address on their website.  She said they just can't send it unless there is a street address.  I said can't you look up that address, since it's kind of a big deal if somebody has something that is a matter of national security and they need to get it there overnight.  She said no, they can't deliver it.  I said, if you send it, don't you think the driver in Washington D.C. will know exactly where the DHS building is located?  She said, no street address, can't deliver it.  Then I went ballistic, f-bombs ensued, and she threatened to call the police.  I said if the police come, they will probably arrest you for interfering with a citizen acting on a matter of national security.

I ended up going to the post office who had no problem delivering it overnight.  Of course, the post office is a federal operation.  I probably could have just put in the mail without a stamp and it would have still gotten there. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hitler speaks English!!!

Wanna hear what Hitler sounds like speaking English?  Here's a voice cloning demo I made.

link to bigger version

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What is an IT professional?

A janitor for a computer system.

In the old days, the IT person was called the SysAdmin.  And do you know what a SysAdmin is?  It's the fucking janitor for a computer system.  The SysAdmin handles things like handing out passwords, just like how a janitor always has a huge ring of keys on his being the key master.  "If you want to get into any locked rooms...see me!"  The SysAdmin does "maintenance" on the computers, just like a janitor does maintenance in a building.

I had an idiot boss once who, in an effort to belittle me in a meeting said, "Do you realize I spent 20 years as a systems administrator?"  I wanted to say, "Oh... am I supposed to be impressed?  You mean in 20 years you never got a promotion, you dumb fuck?" 
IT professionals perform a variety of functions (IT Disciplines/Competencies) that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as management and administration of entire systems.
That was obviously written by an IT guy trying to make his job sound important 

Installing applications?  That's loading a CD on the computer.  A monkey can do that.

Designing complex computer networks?  I think you just connect everything together and it works.  That stuff was figured out a long time ago.

Information databases?  Is there any other kind of database?

Duties include data management?  Isn't that just a database?

Networking?  Being on Facebook?

Engineering computer hardware?  They don't really do that.

Database and software design?  Big fucking deal.

Management and administration of entire systems?  Exactly, SysAdmin... the fucking janitor of the computer!