Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What if Hitler had gotten into art school?

It seems, as a young man in 1910, Adolf was all touchy-feely and artsy-fartsy until he was rejected for admission, twice, by the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.  If he had gotten in, and been able to make a living as an artist, he might have stayed touchy-feely and artsy-fartsy instead of veering off into that whole totalitarianism thing. 

As a child, he played "Cowboys and Indians."  He attended a Catholic school located in an 11th-century Benedictine cloister, where the walls were engraved in a number of places with crests containing the symbol of the swastika. It was in Lambach that the eight-year-old Hitler sang in the church choir, took singing lessons, and even entertained the fantasy of one day becoming a priest.  link
Since when does an art school ever reject anybody?  (Any chance the people who rejected him at the art academy were jews?)

10 Paintings by Adolf Hitler

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Glenn Beck's fascination with Nazis

I read a good article about Glenn Beck's book from 2009, "Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government."  (Actually, the comments after the article are the most interesting part.)

On the cover of his book, Beck is wearing a uniform that appears to be from the Soviet-era, possibly that of a Romanian toll booth operator.  Hmmmmm...a backwards "R" on the cover?  As with anyone on Fox cable who writes a book, it could just be a typo, although I suspect there's a sinister, but simple-minded message behind it.  It's a Cyrillic letter (pronounced ya, and meaning "I" when used alone,) in the Russian alphabet, and is probably a reference to anyone disagreeing with him as being, not only a small minded idiot, but a communist as well.  It kinda reminds me of Sarah Palin's new book.

"Though transparently ghostwritten, America by Heart captures Palin's incoherent..."
And I'll tell you what his fascination is with the Nazis: He likes the way they seized power in Germany.  He is using the same methodology.  (But he's only a pawn!!! )

Profile of Glenn Beck

His primary rules are: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

Very similar to Hitler's O.S.S. profile.

Pope seeks to start debate on condoms and AIDS

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI sought to "kick-start a debate" when he said some condom use may be justified, Vatican insiders say, raising hopes the church may be starting to back away from a complete ban and allow condoms to play a role in the battle against AIDS.

For years, divisions in the Vatican have held up any effort to reconcile the church's ban on contraception with the need to help halt the spread of AIDS...

One senior Vatican official said Monday he believed the pope just "wanted to kick-start the debate." He spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

For the deeply conservative Benedict, it seemed like a bold leap into modernity — and a nightmare for many at the Vatican.

Many Vatican observers were struck by the example the pope used — that of a male prostitute — though the comments clearly were not meant to condone prostitution or homosexual conduct, which the church condemns as "intrinsically disordered."
Jesus H. Christ!  Could the Catholic church possibly be more out of touch with reality?  This pope is one arrogant son of a bitch.  To think that he has to "kick-start a debate" to decide if it's okay for a homosexual male prostitute to wear a rubber, to prevent the spread of AIDS, when he's fucking some other guy up the ass, defies all logic and decency.  How about making a rule that all the gay Catholic pedophile priests have to wear a rubber when they're nailing an altar boy up the ass.  Better yet, how about banning the buggering of alter boys altogether?  The pope is such a nit-wit can't even wrap his pointy head around that issue.  Could he possibly have his head any farther up his ass?

Then again, how many Roman Catholic homosexual male prostitutes are there in the world?  (Probably as many as there are gay pedophile priests!)  

Brings to mind a little rhyme I learned in Sunday school:

       In days of old when knights were bold,
       and rubbers were not yet invented,
       they put a sock upon their cock,
       and babies were prevented.

link to article

Monday, November 22, 2010

What is a Liberal?

"A liberal (also leftist) is someone who rejects logical and biblical standards, often for self-centered reasons. There are no coherent liberal standards; often a liberal is merely someone who craves attention, and who uses many words to say nothing.[1] Liberalism began as a movement for individual liberties, but today is increasingly statist and, as in Europe, socialistic. "

Hey...this site is just like Wikipedia.  Pretty goddam clever.  It even has references to verify everything (even though the references point right back to the website.)  But I'm wondering, if someone rejects both "logical" AND "biblical" standards...isn't that pretty much rejection of everything?  Oh....I get it,  logical = biblical.   And if you ain't being biblical, then you ain't being logical.  You're just being stupid!!!

For more interesting facts and definitions go to:

Adolf Hitler

Proof that a man should never underestimate the possibility that a well groomed moustache, barely the width of his nose, might greatly increase the amount of influence he has among his co-workers.