Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Simple Model for Understanding Sensory Perception in the Brain

This project is based on a paper I read in which I thought there was a better way to conduct the experiment. [1]  In the experiment, the researchers were using a live tissue sample of the retina from a salamander, which I thought was a waste of a perfectly good salamander.

Monday, May 16, 2011

FedEx won't ship urgent letter to Dept. of Homeland Security...

Tells me to leave before they call the police.

The other day I ran into the local FedEx place and told them to ship a letter to DHS.  I gave them the address I got from the DHS website.  The girl said we can't send this letter because it doesn't have a street address.  I said that's the address on their website.  She said they just can't send it unless there is a street address.  I said can't you look up that address, since it's kind of a big deal if somebody has something that is a matter of national security and they need to get it there overnight.  She said no, they can't deliver it.  I said, if you send it, don't you think the driver in Washington D.C. will know exactly where the DHS building is located?  She said, no street address, can't deliver it.  Then I went ballistic, f-bombs ensued, and she threatened to call the police.  I said if the police come, they will probably arrest you for interfering with a citizen acting on a matter of national security.

I ended up going to the post office who had no problem delivering it overnight.  Of course, the post office is a federal operation.  I probably could have just put in the mail without a stamp and it would have still gotten there. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hitler speaks English!!!

Wanna hear what Hitler sounds like speaking English?  Here's a voice cloning demo I made.

link to bigger version